2024 / 2025 Respect Life Essay Contest


The NH Knights of Columbus is once again sponsoring a Student Respect Life Essay contest. The contest is open to any Junior High (grades 6,7,8) and Senior High (grades 9,10,11,12) student in NH. The NH Knights of Columbus will make up to six cash awards of $100.  The theme is:


“What does the Catechism say about our cooperation with evil (para# 2271,1868,1869) and how does this correct Catholics who have given scandal by supporting abortion and infanticide?”


DEADLINE: Midnight, Dec 15, 2024


RULES: Essays may not be longer than 500 words; typed, and submitted as a PDF or Word Document and emailed to Include student name, age, grade, school, parent name and address, phone, parish and email.

Students may obtain help and information, including from parents, teachers, friends, and internet but the essay itself must be their own work. Further contest details may be obtained from KofC NH contest chairman John P. Matuszewski (603-434-4098; or KofC NH State Pro-Life Director Roy Dennehy (603-552-5270;